3rd-6th August - Alta Lake State Park / by David Harrison

Campsite history. Alta Lake State Park is a land of fire and water. 

Tucked into the hills between Winthrop and Lake Chelan, Alta Lake has long been a hub for anglers, water sports enthusiasts and families that love to camp. When the Carlton Complex fire swept through the region in 2014, it damaged parts of the park and left a landscape of twisted black trees and scarred earth. 

But the Alta Lake story is one of recovery, replanting and restoration. Trees and shrubs have begun to grow back, and campers again pitch their tents and bring their RVs to the campsites above the lake. Boaters take off for far corners, many with fishing poles. Children’s laughter can be heard on the shore. 

70km north of Daroga we got the last available site (Pitch 64) at this remote, idyllic sounding Campground - for 4 nights camped amongst the Whistlin Pines near the Lake's Shore.

Campsite information.  Alta Lake Campground has 94 standard campsites, 33 full-hookup sites, four restrooms, and 12 showers. The park also offers two group camps. The Wooded Group Camp accommodates a maximum of 45 guests. The Field Group Camp accommodates a maximum of 85 guests.

With an average of say 3 guests per Campsite (rules allow up to 8), that’s over 500 Campers at full capacity! This being a weekend in August the place was bursting at the seams!!

Way out in the countryside, surrounded by lakes, mountains forests, we wondered: "What do all these people do?"

Campsite Activities.  Alta Lake State Park offers 2 miles of hiking trails.

We did both miles – both ways – to the top of a mountain ridge overlooking the Campground – steep walk – not for the fainthearted – didn’t see another sole along the Trail! Summit gave us a great view of the other 498 Campers, on their Camping Chairs, under their Camping Gazebos, with their Camping Music, and their Camping Light Beers!!!

Walked round the whole Campsite that evening (Saturday).  It was humming. Music & Beers on most Pitches. Way beyond the 10:00pm 'Quiet Time' Curfew. Didn't mind! Only miffed we weren't invited!!

On our third day, at dusk, a State Park vehicle pulled over at Pitch 64 (a sloping pitch without much flat ground for parking our unusual tent-on-a-car-roof vehicle such that we didn't roll out of bed - photos show it better than words can) and two armed Park Rangers wearing Bullet-proof vests got out to tell us we had committed a Violation!

"You parked your Veehicule over the Parking Bolster!" they said, with a hands on gunbelts accusing posture. 

"Pardon." we politely replied in our finest English Accents.

They kindly repeated the 'Violation' we had committed.

"If you do not move your Veehicule immediately we will issue you a Ticket which carries a $100 fine, and you will be evicted from the Campground at 8:00am tomorrow." 

"This is the only flat ground on the Pitch. We parked here to get our Tent level." "We've been parked here for two nights already without any problem." "It's almost dark." "And we've had a few drinks - wouldn't be sensible to drive."

"We'll give you one hour to move your Veehicule or you will be fined $100 and evicted."

498 other campers drinkin, yellin, partyin, playin music for a good few hours after the 10:00pm Curfew last night. Dogs roamin around off their leads (an American Pit Bull ran at David just this mornin, growlin with teeth bared). Pick-up Trucks drivin round the Campground at speed. Generators buzzin loudly day and night. Scruffy looking non-campers strollin through the wide open Campground unchallenged. So many other 'Violations' committed without reprimand. But we parked Pablo over the Parking Bolster! 

We moved him.

Just the other side of the Parking Bolster.

A neighbour came over and asked; "Did those a**holes make you move your Veehicule?" "Yes" we said, "and they had Guns!" "You should have called me over, I'da helped you out!" he said reaching into the pocket of his shorts to reveal a silver semi-automatic pistol!!!

"Who is America?" asks Sacha Baron Cohen. "Who indeed?" we're left wondering!