14th July - Wedding Bells / by David Harrison

Mr & Mrs David Harrison
request the pleasure of
You the Reader
at the marriage of their surrogate daughter
Miss Belen Leila Manuli
Mr Santiago Alejandro Salvador
Five Chiefs Tribal Gardens
1 Doyon Place, Fairbanks, Alaska
on Saturday 14th July 2018
at 2:00pm
followed by a reception at Chena River Wayside



Officiant - Mr David Harrison – Marriage Commissioner

We are assembled here today to join this Man and this Woman in Matrimony, which is an honourable estate and not to be entered into lightly or unadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and soberly.

If any person can show just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him speak now or else forever after hold his peace.

Santiago, please repeat after me:

I, Santiago, take you Belen, to be my Wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death do us part.

Belen, please repeat after me:

I, Belen, take you Santiago, to be my Wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death do us part.

Once more in Espanol please so you both know exactly what you’re signing up to.

Santiago - porfavor repita despues de mi:

Yo, Santiago, te tomo a ti Belen, como mi Esposa.  Prometo serte fiel en lo próspero y en lo adverso,
en la salud y en la enfermedad.  Amarte y respetarte todos los días de mi vida.

Belen -  porfavor repita despues de mi:

Yo, Belen, te tomo a ti Santiago, como mi Esposo.  Prometo serte fiel en lo próspero y en lo adverso,
en la salud y en la enfermedad.  Amarte y respetarte todos los días de mi vida.

Santiago, please place this ring on the 3rd finger of Belen’s left hand and repeat after me:

With this ring I thee wed, and pledge my fidelity.

Belen, please place this ring on the 3rd finger of Santiago’s left hand and repeat after me:

With this ring I thee wed, and pledge my fidelity.

Santiago – porfavor repita despues de mi:

Belen, te doy este anillo como un signo de mi compromiso amoroso, para hoy, mañana y para siempre.

Belen  – porfavor repita despues de mi:

Santiago, te doy este anillo como un signo de mi compromiso amoroso, para hoy, mañana y para siempre.

For as much as Santiago and Belen have consented together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this Company, have given and pledged their fidelity, each to the other, and have declared the same by joining of hands; under the authority vested in me by the State of Alaska, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.

Los declaro Marido y Mujer.

You may kiss the Bride. 

Puede besar a La Novia.



When Amanda and I first met Santiago and Belen in Colombia, they were staying at The Hilton Hotel, Cartagena. They had a lovely room on the shore of the Lagoon.  Today’s Bridal Couple may tell you they have been roughing it on their long journey from Argentina to Alaska, but I know different!

Here we are six months later in Alaska – they are in a fully equipped Campground off the Johansen Expressway (a.k.a. Walmart Parking Lot), whilst we rough it in a Room above a Garage with a Porta Potti!!

But seriously folks! These two intrepid travellers are braver than brave.  They have journeyed 25,000 miles over 10 months in a Peugeot 207 and spent most of those 300 nights sleeping in the back of their car!! That Cartagena Lagoon Room was a patch of mosquito infested shrubland out the back of the Hilton Hotel, between the Air Conditioning Plant and the Garbage Dumpsters!!

Hollywood is planning a remake of the Movie ‘300’ to show the trials and tribulations of Santiago and Belen’s odyssey.  Gerard Butler once again in the lead role.

“Improvise, Adapt, Overcome” is Santiago’s Motto – and they have certainly had to live by this throughout their Journey.  They carry two Spare Wheels in their tiny car, using one each as a bedtime pillow!

They will most likely need both Pillows for their final challenge ……. The Dalton Highway – 500 miles of the toughest road in the USA – a route Santiago and Belen MUST take to complete their Pan American Highway challenge!

When Santiago and Belen arrived in town a few days ago, Amanda and I were thrilled to hear their news – he proposed at the ‘Welcome to Alaska’ sign just across the AL:CAN Border – she accepted – Wedding within days here in Fairbanks!  And I was chuffed to bits about conducting my very first Marriage Service.

What a gorgeous couple they are.  Please raise your Glasses and toast the newlyweds!  To Santiago and Belen!!! Cheers!!!!

Thanks are due to Maddie for the loan of her lovely Wedding Dress, and for the Wedding Cake, to David for the loan of his lovely shoes, and to Allen for emptying the heaviest Porta-Potti in history (Pee only) after an intense Wedding Planning (watch England get thrashed by Croatia) 14 hour session!!!

And remember guys “It’s all part of the Adventure!”