14th April - San Ignacio / by David Harrison

San Ignacio is a palm oasis town in the Mulege Municipality of northern Baja California Sur. Current population of 667, the town grew at the site of the Jesuit Mission San Ignacio founded in 1728 by Juan Bautista Luyando.

Good old boy Juan and his Jesuit followers brought Smallpox to Mulege and soon the indigenous people were wiped out!  Thanks be to God!!?

Refuelling at the Pemex Gas Station on San Ignacio's outskirt, we encounter a heavily armed Military Hummer in Desert Digicam, complete with six Troops in Combats, Shemaghs and Kevlar lids carrying H&K G36 Assault Rifles. Head Honcho shopping for Cokes in the Mercado carelessly reaching down to the bottom shelf with Mag-in Machine Gun aimed straight at us! We dived for cover behind the Avocado display!!

La Huerta Hotel was unsettling - a 40 Room Hotel in a 667 Population town?  Who stays? And a swish 100 seater Restaurant? Who dines? Answer - Nobody!  Hotel & Restaurant empty!!  Maybe it's low season? But it's still unsettling!!

Next day, the Hat Shop is deserted - door open - dust covered hats freely available - David tries them all on - and I mean ALL! Feels bad about shoplifting so leaves 100 Pesos to cover the ticket price.  Town square suddenly full of Military and Policia Pick-ups - roof mounted M60's and 50 Cals - squads of heavily armed men toting M4s and G36s!  Time to leave!!

Unsettling place! Something not quite right!!

Those Jesuits and their Smallpox have a lot to answer for!!!