20th March - Monte Alban / by David Harrison

Today saw us venturing 13km out of town to Monte Alban, the ancient city from which the Zapotecs ruled Oaxaca's Valles Centrales. They founded their hilltop town in 500BC, giving the place quite some history! Took them a couple of hundred years to chop the top off the mountain and create a level plateau big enough for Temples and Palaces and a population of over 10,000 people.

Most interesting structure: Edificio de los Danzantes, with carvings of Danzantes (Dancers) depicting naked men thought to be the captured leaders of conquered towns, with thick-lipped open mouths, closed eyes, and blood flowing where they have been castrated and disembowelled!!  Over 300 of carvings of individual dancing men have been found at Monte Alban suggesting that the Zapotecs were a bloodthirsty bunch!

Oddly Tomb seven where the 14th century Mixtec King's skull and burial hoard were discovered in 1932 is through the Car Park along a weed hidden path.  No protection, no fence, no admission charge and no visitors - just us two Gringos! See photos of Amanda column hugging & of the tomb entrance!