17th November - Lago Titicaca Bol to Lago Titicaca Peru / by David Harrison

Southern Lake Titicaca (Bolivia) to Northern Lake Titicaca (Peru) is 125km by road.  It took us 6 hours to drive!  Road conditions, Border crossing - and a Thousand Dancers in Traditional Costume filling the streets of Downtown Puno all slowed us down - some delays more welcome than others!

We broke through the border again, talking our way to the front of a massive queue of Bus Passengers (see photo!) waiting at Passport Control, baffling the Border Officials with our ownership papers, showing the Aduana the sad contents of our fridge (they missed the fresh lime thankfully) and sweet talking the Police  who pointed out our Car Insurance wasn't valid for Peru!

Drove through lots of small villages and noticed how toiling the land is a full time labour of love, for man, woman and child, and a full on family day out at the weekends.

Trout farming is also popular on both sides of the lake, we sampled lots in Copacabana, delicious!

Found a peaceful Hotel - Eco Inn - just south of Puno with lovely lake views, and had just opened a bottle of chilled Peruvian Chenin Blanc when the first of several Mainline Trains choo chooed it's way across our vista!!