15th-16th June - Cariboo Lodge, Clinton / by David Harrison

From Nairn Falls we headed northeast along BC-99 before hanging a left on the Cariboo Highway, driving north to Clinton. Great scenery all around.

Stopping for a Picnic at Marble Canyon Provincial Park, on the shore of Pavilion Lake, we became aware someone (or something) was watching us - call it a sixth sense - we both felt under surveillance! Swinging quickly around David spotted a Groundhog atop a wood pile, giving us the beady eye! Probably never seen a Chilean Licence Plate before, he kept a suspicious eye on us for the full 30 minutes of our lunch stop! 

Originally known as "47 Mile House" or "47 Mile", Clinton (current population 651) was named in 1863 upon completion of the Cariboo Wagon Road in the area for Henry Fiennes Pelham Clinton, the 5th Duke of Newcastle, who was Colonial Secretary from 1854-1854 and 1859-1864.

Clinton - a one street town - spread out along Highway 97 the place consists mainly of Flea Market Stores and Down Market Motels! We stayed at Cariboo Lodge which was actually a really good place. Happy Hour in the bar saw us toasting the biggest Moose Head you'll ever see! Yukon Red ale and a fine Pinot Grigio!

Sunday 16th June was Amanda's Birthday. In a double whammy of Birthday delights, Amanda's iPhone had an iOS meltdown (which her kind husband spent 5 hours fixing - don't worry folks - your birthday greetings made it through) and later set fire to her jeans with a Mosquito repellent candle (as photographed just before the blaze!) Heavy Mossie count in Clinton - worse to come in Yukon Territory we were assured.

After perusing the many Flea Markets and Emporiums in town we popped in at the Clinton Museum. No sign of the infamous blue dress, or the reefer "smoked, but not inhaled".  Not those Clintons silly! This one tells the history of Clinton Town, BC. It's a great little museum - with a fantastic Barn out back - shame they don't have more history to tell!