16th May - Yosemite / by David Harrison

Camped in Yosemite National Park and took in the awesome scenery.  Hiked and saw nature at close quarters.  A Herd of Deer, a Bush Turkey, Bald Eagles, Butterflies, a Bobcat and lots of birds who came a calling at our Campsite. Even swam in the river and saw some fish! 

Everyone else drove everywhere in their cars, usually way over the speed limit, despite the many road-signs showing where bears had been injured or killed by speeding drivers. On our way in and out of Yosemite some drivers tailgated us, some honked their horns, some gave us the finger and others even shook their fists!  

As Amanda's photos show we got back to nature. Most others hopped in their shiny metal boxes and looked through the window as nature whizzed by!

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