1st/2nd February - Belize / by David Harrison

Muchos Gracias El Remate - muy bien! Gotta keep heading north - family reunion now just 10 days away - and still 700km between us and Cancun!!

Cover the 70km to the Belize frontera in no time at all - mid-morning arrive at Melchor de Mencos - sounds like a Blackadder character! We're ready for the Border Bridge scam - as predicted on iOverlander the pistol toting hombre steps out into the road (having ignored the twenty Guatemalan plated vehicles ahead of us) and flags us down. 50 Quetzel exit fee he tells us. "No" I say.  "It's a scam!".  We drive on waiting to see if he pulls his pistol and points it - but no - nothing from them!

Guatemalan exit surprisingly easy considering the underhanded Aduana on entry.  We're stamped out in 5 minutes and Pablos papers no problemo. Roll on Belize!  

Through Fumigation in seconds and on to the rather formal looking Border entry post! Park up and in we go - with our best Espanol we get through Passport Control and move along to Aduana ready for the usual flim flam.  Strange - Aduana Desk says Customs & Excise.  All the signs are in English!? Aduana Officer tells us the first language in Belize IS English!! "Don't you know this is a former British Colony?"  "Er, no we didn't until now!" 

What a breath of fresh air! We're through Customs in no time at all (British Passports), and admiring the 'Welcome Prince Harry' wall mural drive on into Belize (formerly British Honduras) heading for Belmopan.

The Bull Frog Inn at Belmopan is an odd place. Strict entry policy! Fortunately as British Passport holders the door is thrown wide open and we get their last room!! Chicken Curry on special in the restaurant and as David tucks into his second helping two large fellas introduce themselves - they have official looking Polo Shirts + Police Badges + sizeable sidearms, and tell us casually they are bodyguards to the Belize President who is speaking at an engagement in town tonight! Tell us he may be popping in to the Bull Frog later for a Belikan Beer & a Chicken Curry! We're not convinced - but on exit they climb into a chunky US made people carrier complete with thick glass windows and blue lights!

President is a no show!  After a hearty full English next morning we get back on the road and zip through 256km of Belize to Corozal just 20km from the Mexican border.  The Almond Tree Hotel Resort is lovely.  Right on the beach.  Great room with ocean view balcony - and visiting Coati - named Rocky - loves smells - doesn't love people - takes a swipe at David - who ducks for cover - no harm done!

Happy Hour drinks at Rockjam Bar on the seafront - full of boozed up American/Canadian/Australian ageing ex-pats - fun though! And dinner at Corozo Blues - Turkish themed - delicious food!!

Skipped breakfast at the Almond Tree next morning and headed for the Mexican border early.

Sorry Belize - we should have given you more time!  Prince Harry spent longer here in March 2012, but our family gathering draws us north like a magnet - now just 387km to Cancun, and only one border to cross!