25/26th January - Salida Nicaragua : Entrada Honduras / by David Harrison

From Volcan Masaya we headed north - "Gotta keep heading north Morgan!" - along 231 km of Ruta 1 to Ocotal, just 23 km from the border with Honduras. Nicaragua has much to offer but we're on a mission to reach Cancun in Mexico by 10th February for a Family Reunion!

Check in at the aptly named Hotel Frontera and head to a local bar for a couple of large ones (Victoria Clasica Cerveza - 1 litre - still only one pound a bottle!) where the locals tell us about the political unrest in our next Central American country!  (Not entirely convinced all is well in this one - Hotel Frontera has armed guards on the front gate - pump action shotguns in one hand - glowing cigs in the other!!)

Riots on the streets of Honduras since President Hernandez was re-elected in November 2017!!  Claims of vote fixing, and uproar that the President had their Constitution changed to allow him a second term in office!!!  All sounds dicey, but we have to cross this country - so on we go!!!!

Early start next morning and after a Desayuno Typico at the local Comedor (coffee and pastries 25 pence) it's off to the Border for the delights of Salida Nicaragua / Entrada Honduras! Hard to believe this is the main border crossing between these two countries - it's shambolic - on the Honduran side Border Offices are collapsing and security is slack!

Make it through without any dramas - and wary of the political and civil unrest ahead, head into Honduras.

Advised the safest place to be is the Capital City, Tegucigalpa, we book in at the city centre LQ Hotel and head to the nearby Cascades Mall for delicious Baleadas from the local food stalls.