5th October - Glaciar 2.0 - the Ice Wall / by David Harrison

The blue-hued Glacier Perito Moreno is a 250 sq km ice formation with an Ice Wall of awesome jagged peaks 70 meters high extending right across Lago Argentino.  Whilst tucking into Filete/Pollo and Malbec in El Calafate last night we were told we must visit - so we did.

We saw and heard the most amazing sights and sounds!  Loud cracking and booming noises like rolling thunder or distant gun shots rang out as huge peaks sheared off, calving, and crashed with massive smashes in to the water below sending tidal waves out across the lago. 

Pity about the bus tours, although actually in early spring it wasn't too busy.  But......it was absolutely freezing.  All the travel tips told us to layer up and we did.  Had a laugh whilst there at the other visitors wearing heavy duty outdoor clothing some even dressed in full ski wear garb - how we smirked at them.  After the blizzard struck later that day we wished we'd worn more appropriate clothing!  Needless to say we didn't stay in the Roof Tent that night, no, we went in search of a nice warm cabana at Kau Shaionk in El Calafate.