10th October - Lobo Marino en Caleta Olivia / by David Harrison

Left Isla Pavon after a chilly night camped next to Rio Santa Cruz, lovely picnic at Estancia Coyake, and after 470km of Ruta 3 were looking for a Cabana for the night when Amanda said "Quick - pull over - there's a Sea Lion on the beach!"  Just 50 meters off the main road and only a kilometer from town.  Amazing!

Screeched to a halt and there on the beach was not just one, but a whole Colony of Sea Lions - over a hundred! 

Natural pecking order - Colony Elders slumbered in the sunshine at the highest point on the beach, one eye open keeping watch.  In the middle young families relaxed feeding their pups.  And down at the water's edge, rowdy teenagers frolicked in the shallows.  Out in the water with the youths an Elder patrolled the lagoon.  Big fellas - an adult male Lobo Marino weighs 300kg.

The colony has no protection to speak of, from man nor the occasional marauding Orca looking for lunch!

Here's the full David Attenborough.

After chatting to the Lobo Marino for an hour we did find a lovely Cabana at Caleta Olivia with a loft bedroom! And dined Argentine style on ChimiChurri Chicken!! Oh - and David finally got round to washing his socks & pants!!!